Thinking about getting a puppy? One of the first questions that will enter peoples mind as they start thinking about adding a fur baby to their family is should I get a male or a female. This is probably if not the top question that we get asked when we speak with people inquiring about a puppy. Of course everyone has their own experiences if they are a previous puppy owner or current owner of a specific gender. The short answer? It does not matter.
Now let me explain myself. The biggest piece of advice I give people is do not worry so much about gender than you do the temperament of the puppy. Each puppy is it's its own even if it is in the same litter. If you have kids you can probably relate to what I am saying.
Start asking yourself-what am I looking for in a puppy?(calm, medium paced, confident, spunky. etc.) What is the lifestyle you want your puppy to live in(busy, slow paced, adventurous, etc.). What size? what color? These are important questions to know before moving ahead and getting a puppy.
Before getting one of our puppies I require everyone to fill out an application. These questions are all on there. After looking through your application we schedule a phone interview so we can talk through them. I want to make sure that everyone is on the same page and allow you to understand the puppies or breed characteristics before moving forward. Working with us can really help you work through all these questions since we know each of our puppies and are accessing and nurturing their temperaments.
Another thing I would like to add is that small breed puppies are not the same as large breed dogs. One huge concern is that the males mark their territory. Did you know that the males actually squat just like the females do? If you get the males neutered this will not be an issue at all. I have actually had trainers tell me they prefer a neutered male because they are more even all the time.
Breed characteristics are something to think about as well-I will get into that at a later time so stay tuned. Bye for now!
-Brick House Puppies Fam
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